For the record, I’m not a member, nor do I particularly care to promote membership in the organization that produced the video report you can see at link below.
Even if you don’t like the organization, that’s fine, because the facts reported in the video are either true or they are not true regardless of who says them!
Fortunately, independent verification is possible from a site that FAVORS the ideas defined in "Agenda 21"! To see what they are up to,
go here, but ...
FIRST, I urge you to summon the courage I believe you have and ...
IMHO, the true gravity of “Agenda 21” is hinted in this statement:
Real or alleged Wall Street malfeasance is an
insignificant symptom of a much larger problem!
Your comments on the subject of the video are most welcome. Please post them here so we can help as many as possible choose how best to cope with these world changing forces.
Kind Regards.